Our Company

At Ford, we go further to make our cars better, our employees happier and our planet a better place to be.
Learn more about the work that makes Ford a company that we’re proud to be a part of.

Ford Motor Company

  Strong Business

Great vehicles are great for drivers everywhere, and that’s the foundation of our business’s strength. To meet demand, Ford is in the midst of its most ambitious manufacturing expansion in 50 years.

We’re increasing capacity in the United States and adding plants around the world. In the past year, we’ve continued to fund our employee pension plans worldwide, delivered record profit-sharing contributions to our U.S. hourly employees and doubled our shareholder dividend.

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  Better World

Our work doesn’t stop with our products and our bottom line. An integral part of the Ford team’s DNA is ‘people serving people.’ That’s why our global brand promise is called Go Further.

We’re helping to solve global challenges linked to economic development, energy security and environmental sustainability. In 2013, for example, Ford globally reduced the amount of water it used to produce each vehicle by 30 percent compared to a 2009 baseline, reaching its goal two years ahead of schedule.

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Our Team

Since its founding in 1903, Ford has been a pioneer in global industry.
Learn more about important moments in the history of the company, and how some of them have affected the history of the automotive industry and the world.

Curly Howard
Fun Club President

Curly was generally considered the most popular and recognizable of the Stooges. He was well known for his high-pitched voice and vocal expressions ("nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!", "woob-woob-woob!", "soitenly!", and barking like a dog) as well as his physical comedy, improvisations, and athleticism.

Moe Howard
Executive Comedic Genius

Moe Howard, was an American actor and comedian best known as the de facto leader of the Three Stooges, the farce comedy team who starred in motion pictures and television for four decades.

Larry Fine

Known professionally as Larry Fine, was an American comedian, actor, violinist, and boxer, who is best known as a member of the comedy act The Three Stooges.

Our Vision

Ford Motor Company is the fifth largest automobile manufacturer in the world. Ford’s mission statement guides the strategies needed to achieve or exceed this market position. A company’s mission statement defines the kinds of actions needed to fulfill organizational goals. On the other hand, Ford’s vision statement drives its global organization to reach higher performance levels.

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Improving quality is a daily priority at Ford. From design and manufacture to sales and service, Ford always aims to increase customer satisfaction.

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We have a longstanding commitment to developing and implementing innovations that make our vehicles safer for our customers and their families.

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Ford’s sustainability strategy goes beyond reducing CO₂ emissions. From water usage to worker rights, we’ve made sustainability an integral part of our business.

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Innovation is at the core of our company. Ford is pioneering the extensive use of high-strength aluminum in a mass-market vehicle, and in 2014 we will host the auto industry’s first developer conference for in-car connectivity.

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